... Regional Anaesthesia Ultrasound machines - Real Time Ultrasound
Australian Owned and Operated

Regional Anaesthesia Ultrasound machines

Wireless Ultrasound Probe Used in Anaesthesiology

InteraKtiv-Scan supply Handheld ultrasound to visualise needle position in real time, bedside imaging, complete ultrasound-guided injections, and improve operational efficiency, providing comprehensive support from nerve blocks to peri-operative monitoring.

Handheld wireless ultrasound has played an irreplaceable role in Anaesthesiology:

  • visual guidance such as jugular vein and cervical plexus visualisation,
  • lumbar puncture,
  • airway and heart monitoring,
  • deep vein puncture such as a subclavian vein,
  • nerve block such as wrist plexus,
  • catheter insertion.

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